Artist Home Studio Tour is September 21 & 22, 2024. I am excited to once again participate in the 8th annual "Artist Home Studio Tour". I am one of 23 artists who will be opening up their home studios to the public.
What a great time to drop by and browse through my work at your leisure and without obligation. Come and stroll in my garden. Meet other art enthusiasts and enjoy hospitality in a non-gallery environment. I look forward to the opportunity of presenting my year's accomplishments for your enjoyment and I welcome all feedback and ideas you may have.
This weekend only 'Special pricing' on various paintings in effect.
Enter your name in for a door prize of an original painting. I look forward to seeing you. Feel free to bring a friend!
My studio will be open September 21/22 from 10-5 pm. 208 Foxhaven Drive, Sherwood Park. Just follow the Yellow signs.
You can download the PDF Brochure and Map from www.artstrathcona.com
I look forward to seeing you.
Face Book - Elaine Tweedy - Through the Eyes of an Artist